Apply for a new driver licence - hackney carriage/private hire

Before applying to become a new driver, please read become a licensed hackney carriage or private hire driver in Manchester. This details the different stages a new application goes through before a new drivers licence is issued, together with different training and safeguarding which is a requirement to become a hackney carriage or private hire driver in Manchester. 

You should also read the guidance and conditions relevant to your application:

All new driver applications are now dealt with by an initial appointment with the Taxi Licensing unit.  At the appointment an officer will review this application and the documents you are required to provide, (these will be advised to you within the acknowledgement once you have submitted a new application).

The applicant must: 

  • attend the interview in person and bring all the required original documents; and
  • all documents must be valid and where applicable fully completed, signed and dated. 

Payment is not required with this application form.

Stages in the application process

Stage 1 - Submit your online application, by using this form.
Once your application has been submitted it will be processed in date received order - see what date we are currently processing applications.
You will then be sent an appointment date and time.

Stage 2 - Once the officer is satisfied that all the paperwork is valid the application will be accepted.
You will then be sent a link via email to make the relevant payment online.

Stage 3 - Your application begins the process, (see the first link within this page), this will give you the different stages an application goes through before a new drivers licence is issued.

Using this form:

When you go through the form, you have about 20 minutes to complete each page. Don't use your normal 'Back' button to return to an earlier question, but use the 'Previous' button on the page you are on. Questions marked * can't be left blank.