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The PEP process

What is a PEP?

A personal education plan (PEP) is a statutory document that all looked-after children and young people aged 2 to 18 must have in place.

The PEP ensures the knowledge a parent would hold about their child is communicated with all relevant people and is used to inform any plans made. 

PEP meetings take place three times a year in Autumn, Spring and Summer Term, whether or not the young person is currently in education, employment or training.

Whilst early years’ settings, schools, post sixteen provisions and services are operating under COVID-19 social distancing requirements, PEP meetings should be held via a virtual meeting platform agreed between the education setting and the social worker. The young person and their parent/carer should be fully supported to attend and participate.

Social workers and designated teachers have a joint responsibility to ensure a PEP meeting takes place and that the plan is submitted to the Virtual School. 

Find out more about PEPs by downloading our 7 minute briefing here.