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Transition support for social workers and designated teachers

Transition Guides

We have put together guides for social workers and designated teachers that break down actions for professionals in the terms running up to key transitions for Our Young People. 

Download our guides by clicking on the transition points:

Applying for school places

It is the social worker’s responsibility to identify a school that can meet the needs of the young person. Virtual School advises that social workers read the school’s Ofsted report before making a decision. Foster carers can be part of this process.

Social workers must make the application online where the deadline for submission will be clear. When making an application, please make sure that all boxes are complete including the LAC status box. 

Inform Virtual School of any changes 

If a child or young person is moving school or setting please inform us by emailing 

What to do if you have concerns

Any exceptional changes to a young person’s circumstances that may impact on their education, stability or ability to engage with learning at any point in the academic year should trigger a PEP review meeting to avoid any possible risk of fixed term/permanent exclusion. 

The Virtual School, social worker/leaving care worker are to be invited to any disciplinary or support meetings to represent the young person as corporate parents throughout any part of the academic year. This also applies to 18-25 year olds.