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Pupil voice

The voice of the child or young person is central to the PEP process.

Our young people should be supported at every stage to participate in their PEP meetings to ensure that their views, wishes and feelings about their education are considered in the development, implementation and review of the plans.

This participation will take different forms depending on the young person’s age, abilities, specific learning or language needs and mental health at the time. 

If the young person is not able to attend the PEP meeting itself their views must be brought forward by the most appropriate person and the key discussion points must be shared in an appropriate way with them after the meeting. 

Professionals should take a personalised approach to gathering a young person’s voice. This can take the form of conversations during break times, discussing pieces of classwork or observing body language. 

Please note that each young person will be expressing their views daily and not just as part of the PEP process.