The supported lodgings scheme
Many young people are just not ready to live on their own, but can't stay at home, or are leaving care. The supported lodgings scheme helps tackle the lack of housing options.
The scheme help people between 16 and 21 (or 25 if they are in higher education) to develop the practical skills and emotional stability they need to live independently and reach their potential.
How does it work?
You can rent a spare room in your home to a young person and give them support, encouragement and guidance. They become part of the household and share the facilities.
Some need help with practical tasks like cooking, budgeting or shopping economically, while others will need more emotional support. Many will need both.
It will be easier for them to find work or training or continue in education without the added pressure of moving on their own and do everything themselves.
With your help they gradually take on more responsibility for looking after themselves until they feel confident enough to cope on their own.
Can you offer supported lodgings?
We're looking for people from all walks of life, and from all cultural and ethnic backgrounds to reflect the young people who are looking for support.
It's not about having particular qualifications, it's about making young people feel welcome, comfortable and secure, and enjoying their company. It may be that you have the skills to help young people with the challenges they face through raising your own children, or because you have worked with young people.
You need to be in good health and have a spare room. In return, we'll give you support and training, plus a generous allowance of £276 each week, tax-free.
If you want to become a supported lodgings provider or find out more:
- call 0161 234 5868 (9.30am to 4.30pm weekdays)
- or book a telephone call-back