Pioneering Gorton Hub celebrates official opening

  • Monday 18 March 2024

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Picture of public artwork outside the Gorton Hub community building in Gorton.

The innovative community, integrated care and learning space in Gorton has marked its official opening welcoming VIP guests and the local people to celebrate the Hub as a lynchpin for the community.

The Gorton Hub on Garret Way (off Hyde Road) brings together local services under the same roof, allowing local people to access a GP, health and social care services, employment support, and library far more easily – and all in one highly accessible place.  

Leader of the Council Bev Craig was joined by the Lord Mayor of Manchester, Cllr Yasmine Dar to formally open the Hub – alongside MP Afzal Khan and MP Andrew Gwynne. 

The Hub includes: 

  • A vibrant and modern library and learning space  
  • Gorton Medical Centre GP practice  
  • NHS community health teams, such as district nurses, health visitors and physios – and will include treatment rooms for both children and adults  
  • Manchester Adult Education Service (MAES)  
  • Jobcentre Plus  
  • One Manchester’s housing office 
  • More services will join the hub as part of a second phase for the project 

Since the soft launch of the Hub in November 2022, the development has already made a significant impact in the local community.  

So far: 

The new Gorton Library has seen visitors increase by 46% compared to the old site, with a 13% increase in book lending and 25% increase in access to digital skills courses – with four community groups hosted at the venue each week. 

MAES have reported a 97% increase in uptake on classes, with 260+ learners attending since the start of the 2023 academic year.  

Manchester’s Local Care Organisation (MLCO) for Gorton and Levenshulme co-locate in the hub, providing gold-accredited nursing alongside adult social care colleagues, providing community care locally and in people’s homes.    

Housing provider One Manchester have supported 110 people with employment and skills support from their offices at the Hub, along with onsite housing support and financial help.  

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) often hosts job fairs working with quality real living wage employers to help local residents in to work.  

And the Hub’s atrium has also hosted career events that have attracted more than 600 people providing employment opportunities from major employers, including the NHS, GMP, Co-Op Live and others.  

The Hub building is open from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 5pm on Saturday.  

Services at the site may operate different opening hours.  

Leader of the Council, Cllr Bev Craig, said: “Since it opened the Hub has become a pillar of the Gorton community. Bringing all these services together – health, education, housing, social care and Council services – was never just about convenience. All these things work together for our residents to lead happy, healthy and prosperous lives.  

“The Gorton Hub makes accessing vital services easier, but it also helps us think about what services and support we need on our high streets for our communities to be successful. This is part of a city-wide approach to investing in our district centres to make sure they work for our residents.  

“Since opening we have seen major increases in visitors to this part of Gorton highlighting the positive impact this investment is already having – but it’s only the start. We have bigger plans for Gorton so watch this space.” 

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