The final developments in the first phase of an innovative programme to increase the number of affordable homes using Council-owned land are working through the planning process
The Council’s executive will consider a report (Weds 22 January) outlining a range of land disposals across Manchester that will help deliver more than 700 new homes affordable homes.
Manchester City Council’s executive will be asked to approve the ambitious plans to transform Holt Town into a new woodland town in the city of Manchester at a committee meeting (Weds 22 Jan).
A consultation opens today gathering feedback from residents and businesses around proposals to deliver new housing in the city centre through the Council’s housing company, This City.
The Council has approved a further £5.1m funding to progress the next four This City development sites to planning – aiming to bring forward 600 new homes, including at least 20% affordable housing.
Plans have been approved for the UK’s ‘first of a kind’ purpose-built majority LGBTQ+ Extra Care social rent housing scheme in Whalley Range, south Manchester.
National placemaker, Muse has been named as the delivery and investment partner that will work with the Council to deliver the transformational investment in Wythenshawe town centre.
A new report shows the early impact of the city’s ambitious housing strategy – where more affordable homes have been built in the last year than at any time in the last decade.
The Council’s executive committee will be asked to approve the move to consult on a Neighbourhood Development Framework (NDF) for the east Manchester neighbourhood.
A report going to the Council’s executive committee (Weds 24 July) has set out the key principles for the long-term regeneration of Collyhurst in north Manchester.
Manchester City Council presents an ambitious programme of investment that places the city’s communities at the heart of economic growth – and supports residents to share in the city’s ongoing success
The Council’s housing company This City has celebrated a major milestone in construction as a topping out ceremony marks the highest point of the build.
A consultation has opened today gathering feedback from local people about the masterplan for the Grey Mare Lane estate in east Manchester.
Studio Egret West have been appointed to lead a multi-disciplinary team to develop a Neighbourhood Development Framework (NDF) for Holt Town in east Manchester.
69 low carbon homes for social rent have now been completed and residents have been welcomed to their new homes on Silk Street in north Manchester.
Major funding bids will help build 3,380 new homes in Manchester – including 1,761 genuinely affordable homes – following successful submissions to GMCA’s Brownfield Housing Fund.
Manchester City Council has shortlisted six multi-disciplinary teams to submit tenders to develop a new Neighbourhood Development Framework (NDF) for Holt Town.
A new report shows how Selective Licensing is working to improve private rented sector housing standards - alongside proposals for a raft of new schemes that could come online in the coming months.
Manchester will receive more than £3million to support housing projects across the city bringing long-term brownfield land back into use.
The planning application to completely re-develop the former Chorlton Leisure site as an affordable later living housing scheme has been approved by the planning committee today (Thurs 31 Aug).
Thousands of social housing tenants are set to receive transformational investment in their Council-owned homes through to 2025/2026.
The first tranche of 69 low carbon homes for social rent on Silk Street in Newton Heath have been completed and passed to the first new residents.
A report going to a meeting of the full Council seeks approval for the final funding to deliver the largest sustainable homes investment programme in the city’s history over the next 2years.
This City, the Council-owned housing development company, celebrates its first start-on-site as construction begins on 128 new low carbon homes in Ancoats.
A public consultation has opened Monday 26 June urging local people and businesses to have their say on the long-term vision for Moston Lane.
A planning applications has been submitted for the redevelopment of the former Chorlton Leisure Centre as an affordable Later Living scheme for local people.
Moston Lane and Withington high street will share around £2.8m funding for projects to improve the district centres through new high quality green public spaces, amongst wider regeneration investment.