Request permission for market works

Using the form

Use this form if you are a tenant or registered trader with Manchester Markets and wish to undertake any works to your premises or allocated spaces.

You must not start any works until you have written permission from us. We will write to you to confirm the outcome of your request and the next steps. There is asbestos in some areas of our markets, and where this is a factor, we will provide you with the relevant information.

Before beginning the form, make sure you have the correct supporting documents to hand as you won't be able to save and come back. Any documents you upload must be no bigger than 15mb.

You will need

  • plans or specification of works
  • method statement
  • risk assessment
  • safe systems of work

Accepted file types

  • .jpg images
  • .zip files
  • .pdf files

About this form

When you go through the form, you have about 20 minutes to complete each page. Don't use your normal 'Back' button to return to an earlier question.  Instead use the 'Previous' button on the page you are on. Questions marked * can't be left blank.