Births, marriages, deaths and nationality Information for witnesses and other visitors

Medical witnesses

This page is for doctors and medical professionals who have treated a patient in life or carried out a post mortem examination.  Doctors who have provided an independent opinion report should see the expert witness page. 

If you have been involved in the care and treatment of a patient who has died, or have carried out a post mortem examination, the Coroner may require you to give oral evidence at the inquest hearing.

We may arrange attendance through your Trust's legal department or with you personally.  Wherever possible we give enough notice that you will not need to cancel clinics or lists.  For some complex inquests, we issue a formal witness summons.  If you receive a summons either in the post or by personal service, please complete the reply slip and return it to the office.

Consultants are welcome to bring junior doctors for professional experience if they wish or a member of your Trust's legal department may wish to attend with you.  Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the hearing is due to start.

The Coroner will ask you to present a summary of your main findings and you may need to explain the medical issues and terms so that the non-specialists in court, including the deceased's family, can understand.  You may also be asked questions by the family and other properly interested persons or their legal representatives.  If you are asked something outside the scope of your expertise, it is fine to say so. 

If you have not attended the Coroner's Court before and would like to see a case being heard, please call the office and we will arrange a familiarisation visit.

We will reimburse you for your reasonable travelling expenses.  This does not usually include taxi fares.  Please keep all receipts.  You may also claim an attendance fee.  There are standard rates set down by the Ministry of Justice according to the length of the inquest.  Please see the Medical Witness Claim Form and the guidance notes on the back to see what you can include in your claim.

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