Births, marriages, deaths and nationality When death occurs

If you have concerns/complaints about the circumstances surrounding a death

If you have concerns about the circumstances of your relative's death (such as their medical treatment or involvement with the Police) please let us know.  The concerns you raise may provide valuable background information for the Coroner's inquiries.

Sometimes we may advise you that your issues would be better addressed by another organisation, usually the hospital's Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).  This does not mean that we do not take them seriously; only that they are outside the scope of the Coroner's inquiries. 

If you want to tell us about concerns, please do this in writing by post or email.  If an inquest has been opened, you can also send a list of questions that you would like to ask.  Please write as clearly and briefly as you can and try to explain the issues in the order that they happened. 

If the death has not been reported to the Coroner at all, or if no post mortem examination has been ordered and you feel it should be, you can still let us know and we will look into it.  If you have this sort of concern, you need to tell us as soon as possible.

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