Control of development
Development control in Ballbrook is aimed at encouraging development which enhances the prosperity of the area whilst paying attention to its special architectural and visual qualities. Property owners in the area are encouraged to retain the original character and detail of their houses. This should include the details, colour and materials of window frames, doors and other elements of the buildings.
Substantial development proposals will require planning permission and some minor works may also require the prior approval of the City Council. The South Area Team will be willing to give advice on such matters. Advice should be sought at an early stage.
In any conservation area, the demolition of certain buildings requires specific permission; once again advice should be sought from the South Area Team.
Trees make a considerable contribution to the character of the area, both in the pavements and also in private gardens. Where garden trees become too large, or they succumb to disease or undermine walls, then the South Area Team should be contacted so that appropriate action can be agreed.
Anyone wishing to fell, prune or uproot a tree covered by a Tree Preservation Order or in a Conservation Area should seek permission first from us before undertaking any work to the tree.
More information on trees.
When submitting an application for a new building, designers should look at the wider area rather than just the site. It is important to see how the proposal fits into its context. In this regard, the elevations, form and massing of adjacent buildings should be included in a submission for a new building.