Roads and transport Levenshulme and Burnage Active Neighbourhood Scheme Updates

June 2024

Good progress has been made with a number of the planned Phase 2 improvements listed below.

Burnage Lane/Grangethorpe Drive Junction, Chapel Street, Broom Lane Crayfield Road and Marley Road

All major works have been completed with new kerbs, tactile paving and surfacing.

Below shows completed works on Burnage Lane rain garden, Burnage Lane green area, and Alexander Drive / Burnage Lane Junction:

Below shows completed work on Chapel Street:

Below shows completed work on Marley Road and Crayfield Road:

Below shows the new signal-controlled crossing on Broom Lane:

Levenshulme and Burnage Active Neighbourhood Scheme Updates

Cromwell Grove  

Proposals at Cromwell Grove were revised due to the height of the road being almost level with the pavement. It was not possible to raise the road level any higher at these junctions. Crossing points for pedestrians have still been provided across the junction as originally proposed, and the existing traffic calming measures have been retained along with the 20mph speed limit.  Download the updated plan.

The works are expected to complete early July 2024.

Broom Lane 

Further updates will be provided in due course.

A6 Sparrow Crossing

The Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) process, which is a legal consultation, is currently scheduled for 12 July 2024 for 21 days.  

This is when people can formally comment, and where any objections must be considered. In the consultation in November 2023, most people who responded were in favour of the proposals. More than 150 responses were received, and around three quarters were very positive about both the crossing, and the bus stop being moved.

The closure of the end of Belvoir Avenue will mean that residents of Belvoir Avenue will need to leave their bins for emptying on the corner of Leabank Street, to allow waste collection vehicles to access them once the filter has been installed. In addition, a length of double yellow lines has been added to ensure that waste vehicles will be able to access the area to collect bins. This is shown on the plan.

The TRO is a legal document, and during the legal consultation phase, you can see a copy of it at The Inspire Centre, 747 Stockport Rd, Levenshulme, Manchester M19 3AR. 

It will also be advertised in the Manchester Evening News and paper copies will be put on street-lighting columns in the area.

Matthews Lane, Slade Lane/Moseley Road and A6 Arcadia Crossing

We are currently in the process of appointing a contractor aiming to commence works in summer 2024. Residents and businesses will receive a letter about the detail of these planned works and updates will be shared here.


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