Roads and transport Parsonage Safer Street trial feedback

The feedback trial has now ended.

We have secured funding to deliver a range of measures after local residents told us about a need for safer walking and cycling options and other road safety concerns in the Parsonage Road area.

A lot of local engagement was done to find out what residents thought about their streets, and the feedback from this led to the draft proposal shared last year. The changes may result in a different or slightly longer route for people travelling by car.

The following measures will be installed between 14 and 25 August:

  • filters (which allow pedestrians and wheelchairs / cycles through, but not vehicles)
  • one-way streets

The trial will last 6 months, during that time we are asking everyone affected to feedback about their experiences – good or bad. You can view a diagram of the trial scheme at Withington Library, and posters are being displayed in public areas and buildings across the area. 

While the original co-design exercise identified potential areas for expansion of the scheme beyond the trial area there is currently no funding available to do any further work at this stage.

The feedback from the trial, along with local monitoring (of traffic flow) will be used to determine if the measures have had a positive outcome for the community. If the trial is a success, and there is popular support for additional measures, we will look into possible additional funding.   

Find out more information on the Parsonage Road Safer Streets project

Tell us how it’s working for you 

We are very keen to hear from people who live, work or visit in the area about how the measures are working for them. You can share feedback here, the survey will be open throughout the trial for comments.

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