Phase two results - survey
What you told us about your street and the wider project area
We will be listening to what you have to say at every stage of the project, but the ‘What you said’ phase refers to the results from our two surveys that asked you about your street and the wider area, as well as comments from Workshop A.
All comments will be shared with your local Council so that they can pick up any issues raised that cannot be addressed within this project. Comments included things like:
- 'Burlington and Brunswick can be a bit of a rat run. Children regularly play on Burlington Road but traffic calming measures would help enormously for them to be safer' (Tell Us About Your Street survey respondent).
- 'Alan Road is a main walking and cycling route for children accessing St Cuthberts. Cut through traffic needs to be limited. Any solutions to address issues on Parsonage Road should not serve to spill traffic down an important school access route.' (Tell Us About Your Area survey respondent).
- 'I like the area and the people on my street are nice and caring.' (Tell Us About Your Street survey respondent).
Survey results - 'Tell us about your street'
Respondents told us what they liked, disliked and would improve about their street.
There were 273 responses to this survey. This number is deemed sufficient statistically for the purposes of the project but does not of course represent the whole project area population.
This page is a summary of the survey findings, however all the original comments from the surveys, emails, past and future workshops will be logged and referred back to throughout the process by the design team. Comments will also be shared with your local Council where they cannot be addressed by this project.
Responses to 'How far do you agree with the following statements about your street?':
The statements respondents agreed with most were 'there's too much traffic' (59% agreed) and 'there's a sense of community (50% agreed).
What respondents disagreed with most was 'I feel safe here with regards to traffic' (63% disagreed) and 'there's space to play (48% disagreed).
Responses to 'How would you improve your street?':
There were a number of tick-box options for this question, but respondents could also add in any additional suggestions. Responses were coded into key themes, so that the most popular answers could be identified. We have also examined which answers correlate with which street.
- 75% of respondents (who answered this question) selected a traffic related improvement: Less traffic and/or Slow down traffic.
- The most popular ideas for improvement were 'slow down traffic' and 'less traffic' (selected by 70% and 56% of respondents), followed by:
- Better maintenance 48%
- More plants and greenery 48%
- Stop pavement parking 45%
- New/ safer crossings 39%
- Other 35%
Most popular other suggestions for improving local streets included:
- Level crossing - reduce waiting times to reduce congestion, add double yellows
- Community group / action / education
- Permits / free parking for residents / more parking spaces / remove parking meters
- Pavements (wider / surface / cleared)
- One way streets
- Anti-scheme / remove cycle lanes, traffic barriers, 20mph etc. / return to previous
- Stop pavement cycling/cyclists running red lights
- Reduce dog fouling
- Specific street layout change
- Less street parking including parking controls
- Maintenance of street areas, including cleaning, overhanging vegetation and drainage
- Litter solution
- Policing / tackle crime / traffic enforcement
- Clean air
- All ideas have been recorded and will be referred back to throughout the design process.
- New / safer crossings
- Less pavement parking
- Dropped kerbs. Including improved accessibility.
- Better lighting
- Less traffic. Including less rat running and large vehicles.
- Slow down traffic
- More plants and greenery
- Improve/repair road marking/signs
- Disabled parking
- Separate cycle paths / cycle lanes
- Reduce noise
- Improve road surface
- More green space
- Street art
- Solutions to bins blocking pavements / bin maintenance
- Close streets to vehicles
Responses to 'Any comments on what you like/dislike about your street?':
This was an open text question. Responses were coded into key themes, so that the most popular answers could be identified. We have also examined which answers correlate with which street. All comments will be saved and referred back to during the design process.
The most common things that respondents liked about their street were:
- Pleasant street environment/well maintained
- Proximity to public transport/services/location
- Quiet
- There are plants and trees
- Sense of community / people
The most common things that respondents disliked about their street were:
- Traffic is too fast. Including lack of enforcement
- People parking on the pavement. Including too many parked cars generally
- Litter. Including fly tipping and not enough bins
- There's too much traffic. Including rat running and heavy vehicles
- I don't feel safe here: Physical safety including unsafe crossings
There were lots of different answers given, all of which have been recorded in full and will be referred back to throughout the design process. They will also be shared with the Council in case there are things to be addressed outside the scope of the project.
Survey results - 'Tell Us About Your Area'
Respondents told us what they liked, disliked and would improve about the wider area.
This is a summary of the survey findings, however all the original comments from the surveys, emails, past and future workshops will be logged and referred back to throughout the process by the design team.
Interactive map
There were 109 comments left by 40 individuals on the 'Tell us about your area' interactive map. As this number is very low, these views cannot be taken as representative of the local population, but are essential nonetheless in shaping the design of safer streets.
What did you tell us about?
The top 5 things commented on were:
- Traffic
- Safety
- Parking / loading
- Walking
- Cycling
'It is very or quite important for this place to be served by healthy walking or cycling routes'
Respondents felt this way about 96% of the places they told us about in the area.
Responses to 'Thinking about the area as a whole, do what extent do you agree with the following statements?'
The statements that respondents agreed most with was that there is too much traffic in the area (28 out of 34 respondents agreed). What respondents disagreed most with was that they feel safe walking around the area with regards to traffic (25 out of 35 disagreed with this statement).
Responses to 'How could we improve it?'
Respondents were asked how they would improve the place/thing they were commenting on, and could select from a number of tick-box options. They could also provide additional suggestions. The top 8 responses are shown below.
The most popular way to improve places in the area was 'reduce vehicle speeds' which was selected for 73% of the locations commented on on the map, followed closely by 'less traffic' with 66%.
- Stop pavement parking 39%
- New/ safer crossings 36%
- More trees and green space 34%
- More space for people walking 30%
- Protected space for cycling 26%
- More public art 23%
Other responses included:
- Dropped kerbs at crossing points
- More cycle parking
- Events and activities
- Other
- Better lighting
- More space to play
- Better maintenance
- Places to sit
A number of additional comments were provided which will also feed into the Safer Streets design.
Responses to 'What do you like/dislike about this thing/place?'
Respondents were asked why they liked or disliked the place/thing they were commenting on, and could select from a number of tick-box options. The top responses are shown below. A number of additional comments were provided which will also feed into the Safer Streets design.
Top likes:
- There are plants or trees
- Good sense of community
- It's a pleasant place to walk
- It's a useful place to cut through on foot or cycle
- It's a pleasant place to spend time
Top dislikes:
- Traffic is too fast
- There's too much traffic
- Walking here is not pleasant
- I don't feel safe here
- Cycling here is not pleasant
There were lots of different answers given, all of which have been recorded in full and will be referred back to throughout the design process. They will also be shared with the Council in case there are things to be addressed outside the scope of the project.