Tell us about your change of address
Tell us about your change of address straight away so you pay the right amount of council tax.
You can change your address online if you are:
- moving from one Manchester address to another
- moving into Manchester
- moving out of Manchester
- registering to pay council tax in Manchester for the first time
- buying a property in Manchester but not to live in
- selling a property in Manchester that is not your main home
Check that your new address is in Manchester, or find out which local authority it is in.
If you are outside of the area covered by Manchester City Council, we won't be able to help you.
You will need:
- Your council tax reference - it's on your bill. (Where you are moving within or moving out of Manchester)
- Bank details if you want to set up a direct debit to pay your council tax.
- Email address if you want a receipt or to get your bills by email.
- If you are a tenant: your landlord or agent's details and details of any joint tenants.
- If you are the owner: solicitor's details and details of joint owners.
If you get Council Tax Support don't forget to tell the Benefits Service about your change of address.
Under 18 and live alone?
If so, you shouldn't use the change of address form. Use our general contact form instead.