Planning and regeneration City centre regeneration areas

Culture in the City

CGI image of Home arches after regeneration

In March 2021, the government announced details of the £4.8billion Levelling Up Fund. The fund supports local infrastructure projects that deliver a visible impact in a short amount of time.

Up to £20million was available for regeneration and town centre investment projects. The number of funding bids allowed depends on the number of MPs in a local authority area. On 27 October 2021, we found out that our bid for £19,823,516 – for the Culture in the City project – was successful. The project recognises the need to support the future of creative and tech sectors in the city. And it aims to take advantage of opportunities specific to the locations identified.

Find out more about our Levelling Up Funding bid. Commercially sensitive or personal information has been removed or redacted.

Culture in the City is a cross-cutting culture and regeneration project with two sites. 

Upper and Lower Campfield Market

These buildings are within the St John’s Strategic Regeneration Framework. Granada Television left the site in 2013. And, until recently, the area experienced limited development. But its potential to accommodate mixed-use development of scale is now being realised.

The Grade II listed Campfield Market buildings are in a poor state of repair. Levelling Up Funding will ensure their future. They'll become a start-up space and a base for SMEs and form part of a growing tech cluster in the area. 

The area, known as Enterprise City, includes:

  • new workspace at ABC
  • Manchester Goods Yard
  • Globe and Simpson
  • redevelopment of the Granada HQ buildings
  • Bonded Warehouse – an enterprise hub for SME businesses and tech hub
  • The Factory – an innovation, production and performance centre

HOME Arches

Home Arches, in First Street, are part of a growing area for leisure, living and working in the city. HOME is Manchester’s arts centre. It has a theatre, cinema, galleries, bars, restaurant and shop. As well as an extensive talent development programme.

Levelling Up Funding will create a talent development hub for artists of all ages, disciplines and career stages. We're repurposing three unused railway arches near HOME to provide:

  • office space for artists
  • flexible workshops spaces
  • and a double-height making and sharing space  


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