The Council and democracy Elective Home Education Policy and Procedure

9. MCC Processes - EHE Suitable

9.1 The LA has made arrangements to ensure it carries out its statutory duties in relation to children educated at home, to build positive partnerships with parents and to safeguard and to promote the welfare of children. These arrangements include:

  • A named senior officer with responsibility for elective home education policy and procedures
  • Availability of information to parents who are considering home educating their children and to parents who already do this, through the MCC Website, schools, information packs and the EHE Team, whose role is to offer advice and support and build positive relationships with the families and communities who home educate
  • Organisation of regular events to ensure parents and communities who home educate have the opportunity to meet with each other, hear from useful organisations and also have the opportunity to discuss EHE policy and procedures with LA officers.
  • Ensuring that all agencies and LA teams are aware of their responsibility to report to the named senior officer if they have any concerns about the safety and welfare of a child who is being home educated.
  • Provision for LA officers who have contact with families who home educate to be trained in home education law, policies and practices 
  • A designated nurse in the School Nursing Service who can provide information and support to parents who home educate.
  • Signposting to exam boards and centres where home educated children may be able to sit GCSEs or other exams as private candidates
  • In line with the legislation around Raising the Participation Age (RPA) signposting to Careers Advice and Guidance for parents of Year 9 and 10 age children and information for parents and children of Year 11 age advising them of their options and responsibilities for post 16 education provision will be circulated.
  • Referrals will be made to Careers Connect if it appears that a previously home educated child may be NEET (not in employment, education or training)
  • If parents choose to continue with home education post 16, their named officer will continue to maintain contact as in 9.2 until the child turns 18.

9.2 Following the initial agreement that EHE is suitable, an officer from the EHE Team will maintain contact with the family on a regular basis. This will usually be annually but could vary by agreement. The named officer can be contacted at any time if parents have any questions or wish to discuss any educational matters. 

9.3 It would be helpful if parents contact their named officer if circumstances change e.g. if they change address or if their child starts at a school.

9.4 As in 8.2 - 8.7 above, The EHE Team officer will arrange a mutually convenient visit/meeting, either face to face or virtual, and gather evidence to confirm the ongoing suitability of the education that parents are providing.

9.5 If it is agreed that EHE is no longer suitable, the processes described below in Section 10 will apply.

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