Performance Management in the Manchester Partnership
Following an extensive public consultation, the Our Manchester Forum developed a new vision and a new strategy for the city for 2025. The vision is for Manchester to be in the top flight of world-class cities by 2025, when the city will:
- have a competitive, dynamic and sustainable economy that draws on our distinctive strengths in science, advanced manufacturing, culture, and creative and digital business – cultivating and encouraging new ideas
- possess highly skilled, enterprising and industrious people
- be connected, internationally and within the UK
- play its full part in limiting the impacts of climate change
- be a place where residents from all backgrounds feel safe, can aspire, succeed and live well
- be clean, attractive, culturally rich, outward-looking and welcoming.
This strategy will require a new approach and a new way for the Council and its partners to work with and listen to the people of Manchester. This new approach will focus on what we can all do working together, building on the great strengths of the city and the people that make it up, to work towards this vision.
Progress towards this vision is overseen by the Our Manchester Forum and the Manchester Investment Board. Each year the city produces its State of the City Report that charts progress towards this vision through analysing performance indicators in the context of the policies and major developments that have shaped changing performance.