Cancellation and terms of booking
Should an event be cancelled after a letter of consent has been issued, an administration fee will be charged. If a cancellation is made within 14 days of the event, 50% of the fee will be charged; within 7 days of the event, 100% of the fee will be charged.
- We reserve the right to cancel or withdraw consent at any time prior to the initial booking.
- You may be required to amend, relocate, or cancel an event on or before the booking date in circumstances of emergency or other legitimate access requirements for which there is no satisfactory alternate arrangement that can be made.
- Manchester City Council or the relevant Emergency Services have the right to terminate approved events on the day it takes place, in the event of any transgression of the conditions of use, or if such termination is deemed to be in the interests of public safety. Any such termination will be without any claim or liability on the Council or Emergency Services.
- In the event of government imposed local or national restrictions related to managing the spread of viruses, such as COVID-19, the event can be cancelled or rescheduled without charge.
- All risk assessments must be fully up to date to reflect current government guidance related to managing the spread of viruses, such as COVID-19. If your activity is not following the relevant guidance, it can be stopped at any time by an authorised Council officer, in which case no refunds will be given.
All event bookings must comply with the conditions of use and should adhere to all relevant legislation and polices applicable to the event including, but not limited to, health and safety, environmental health, and highways.
- The letter of consent confirming authorisation for use of the event space and any other appropriate documentation must be available for inspection by any authorised officer of Manchester City Council or Greater Manchester Police on the day(s) in question. A digital copy is acceptable.
- The event (including any infrastructures) should be positioned within the defined perimeters of the designated space to mitigate obstruction and cause minimum disruption.
- We accept no liability for loss or damage in respect of items displayed - however caused, except where it can be evidenced to be through an act of wilful negligence on the part of employees of the Council.
- Manchester City Council or the Emergency Services have the right to move or terminate approved events on the day it takes place in the event of any transgression of the conditions of use, or if such termination is deemed to be in the interests of public safety – any such termination would be without any claim or liability on the Council or Emergency Services.
- Appropriate firefighting equipment must be provided and be readily available.
- You will be liable for full reinstatement costs and any administrative fees for damage to public realm as a result of your event or activity. Reinstatement will be completed to the satisfaction of the Council. Public realm includes, but is not limited to, highways, street furniture, bollards, turf, paving, drainage, planters, and plants. The Council will inspect each site before and after events and any damage incurred as a result of the event will be charged to the applicant.
- You must ensure that the event will not affect pedestrian flows, public safety or the interests of surrounding businesses, services, and residents.
- You must ensure that the event or activity shall not cause any nuisance or annoyance to any occupiers of adjacent land or buildings or to Manchester City Council.
- Any displays erected must be safe, tidy and attractive to the satisfaction of the Council. Attaching or placing signs, banners or other items on street furniture or highway surfaces is not permitted.
- You will be responsible for the satisfactory behaviour of any employees, associated staff and participants involved in the event.