Planning and regeneration Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment

The annual Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) looks at land that's considered suitable for residential development. It identifies land that we expect to deliver housing on, over the next 15 years or more. 

We also produce a Five-Year Supply Statement. This is an assessment of how many homes we expect to be built in the next five years. It sets this figure against Government requirements.

Our 2023 SHLAA shows the sites in Manchester that we think could accommodate new housing. You can view the sites by:

The sites are in three categories:

  • Sites that were under construction on 31 March 2023,
  • Sites that had planning permission on this date but construction hadn’t yet started,
  • Sites that did not have planning permission on this date but do have the potential to be developed for housing. These are called 'capacity sites' (inclusion of a site in this category does not guarantee that it will receive planning permission.)

You can choose which layers to view by selecting them from the 'Layer List' icon at the top of the map, and search for specific streets, areas or postcodes by using the Search tool in the top left hand corner.

See the SHLAA map

Download the SHLAA report

How the Council uses the SHLAA 

We update the SHLAA on an annual basis.

We use the SHLAA to demonstrate whether we have a ‘five year housing land supply’. A five year housing land supply means that we can identify sites, which are expected to come forward within five years from the SHLAA base date, to meet Manchester’s local housing need for that period. In the case of the 2023 SHLAA, the data shows that there are sufficient deliverable sites to meet Manchester’s local housing need for the period April 2023 to March 2028.

The SHLAA will form part of the evidence base for Manchester’s Local Plan and also other frameworks and strategies. It will show the areas within the city that have the capacity to accommodate new housing. Infrastructure providers and policy documents will be able to plan for this. In addition, the SHLAA can be used by developers wanting to find suitable sites for development in Manchester.

The SHLAA data is submitted to the Greater Manchester Combined Authority each year, to help with the preparation of the Places for Everyone Joint Plan.

Headline Statistics

  • On 31 March 2023 there were 21,211 homes in the planning pipeline (i.e these are developments which on this date had planning permission that had not expired). Almost two thirds of these homes were on sites that were already under construction at that point.
  • In addition to the dwellings with planning permission, the SHLAA identifies the potential for a further 56,833 homes in Manchester. This makes 78,044 dwellings in total.
  • We think that 71,997 of these homes will be built by 31 March 2040 – within the ‘plan period’ for Manchester’s emerging new Local Plan.
  • We think that 24,655 homes will be built within the next five years.
  • 87% of the homes likely to be built by 2040 are flats and 13% will be houses.
  • Most of the homes likely to be built by 2040 will be in the city centre and city centre fringe area (65%).

Residential completions

The SHLAA does not report on residential completions, so completed sites are not shown on the map. But there were 1,893 dwellings completed in Manchester in 2022/23 across 111 sites. 331 of these were houses (17%) and 1,562 were flats (83%). 1,805 of the completed dwellings were on brownfield land (95%) and 88 were on greenfield land (5%).

There were 2 residential demolitions in 2022/23. This gives a net completions figure of 1,891 dwellings once the demolitions are taken off.

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