What you need to get planning permission
You must give us specific documents, drawings and plans. Check what you need before you apply.
We often reject applications because the accompanying plans aren't good enough. You can help prevent this by buying plans from accredited suppliers through the government's planning website.
We need a series of accurate drawings and plans clearly showing what you are proposing.
Location plan
A location plan must show the site area in context:
- base your plan on an Ordnance Survey map at scale 1:1250 or 1:2500
- show at least two named roads and all the surrounding land and buildings
- put house numbers on all the properties and mark the edge of the relevant property (including the garden) with a red line.
- draw a blue line around any other nearby land you own.
Site plan
This is a more detailed scale plan showing the relationship of the proposal to the site boundary and any buildings on neighbouring land.
You may also need:
- a floor plan
- an elevation plan
- a street-scene ‘contextual’ drawing
- supporting information or reports (depending on which you are planning to do)
Manchester's Validation Checklists
We have a set of comprehensive lists of the documents required for each type of planning application.
Contact us
If in doubt contact us about the planning service before you do any work.