Queries and Documents
Email landcharges@manchester.gov.uk if you have a general query or wish to check on the process of your search.
If you have a specific query relating to information revealed on your search report, please contact the relevant department directly.
- Register of Publicly Maintained Highways, Public Rights of Way, Temporary Traffic Orders and Register of Public Sewer Maps to contact@manchester.gov.uk
- Housing Records, Register of Licence and Management Orders to pshenquiry@manchester.gov.uk
- Legal Agreements to legal.records.centre@manchester.gov.uk
- Local Land Charge Register, Register of Common Land and Town and Village Greens to landcharges@manchester.gov.uk
- Planning Applications, Local Development Framework, Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas, Tree Preservation Orders, Planning Notices, Planning Enforcement Notices to planning@manchester.gov.uk
- Regulatory and Enforcement Records, Contaminated Land Records to contact@manchester.gov.uk
Many of the answers revealed on your search enquiry have supporting documents.
You can obtain copies of supporting documents, agreements and planning entries revealed on your search free of charge. Many are publicly available on our website while the others may be obtained by emailing Land Charges or by contacting the relevant department directly.
Please include in your email your official search reference number and the documents (with associated references) you require.
You can view or obtain the following information online:
Visit the Planning Application Registers / Planning Enforcement Registers page for further information and documents relating to planning applications, planning appeals and planning enforcement action.
Visit the Local Development Framework page for further information and documents relating to planning designations and proposals.
Visit the Article 4 Direction page for further information relating the Article 4 Direction about changing the use of your property.
Visit the Register of all licenced private rented properties and Management Orders page to view the list of licensed rented homes. This includes mandatory HMOs (Houses in Multiple Occupation) and discretionary licensing schemes.
Visit the National Heritage list page for details of listed buildings and ancient monuments.
by Email
Email Land Charges at landcharges@manchester.gov.uk to get copies of supporting documents (no charge) revealed on your LLC1 report, for example:
- Light Obstruction Notices
- Compulsory Purchase Orders
- Highways Act Section 177 licences
- Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Section 106 agreements
Email Building Control at building.control@manchester.gov.uk for further information about building regulation and dangerous building records and copies of supporting documents.
Email Planning at planning@manchester.gov.uk for further information about Planning Applications and Appeals, Planning Enforcement Notices, Conservation Areas, Tree Preservation Orders and Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Section 106 agreements and copies of supporting documents.
Email United Utilities at property.searches@uuplc.co.uk for further information about the Register of Public Sewer Maps
Email Highways at contact@manchester.gov.uk for further information about the status of roadways, footways and footpaths and for queries about Highways Act Section 38 agreements and copies of supporting documents.