About the register of current applications
Our register contains all applications that are currently open for consultation. Unfortunately, it does take time from the day of receiving the application to validate it, process it and make it available on the web.
For this reason the website should not be used in isolation and interested parties would be well advised to look out for any blue notices on the exterior of licensed premises in their vicinity.
When applicants want to apply for a new licence, or vary their existing one (for example to put on additional activities or extend their hours) they must advertise the application by displaying a notice at or on the premises for a period of 28 consecutive days starting on the day after the day on which the application was given to the licensing authority.
This notice must be on A4 sized blue paper and must be displayed prominently at or on the premises where it can be conveniently read from the exterior of the premises.
Comments Under the Act
If interested parties are concerned that granting a licence in the terms it has been applied for is likely to have an effect on the promotion of one or more of the licensing objectives they can make a representation to that authority.
The four licensing objectives are:
- Prevention of crime and disorder
- Public safety
- Prevention of public nuisance
- Protection of children from harm
An "interested party" means any of the following -
A person living in the vicinity of the premises,
A body representing persons who live in that vicinity,
A person involved in a business in that vicinity,
A body representing persons involved in such businesses.
If you do have any comments, these must be submitted by the end of consultation date listed in the register.
The electronic premises licensing register is currently unavailable, a copy of the register is available for inspection on request, please email premises.licensing@manchester.gov.uk to make an appointment to view between 9am - 5pm at the Licensing Unit, Level 1, Town Hall Extension, Manchester. M2 5DB.