Licences and permissions Cheetham - current licence applications


Application Type: Premises Licence minor variation
Applicant: Three33 Ventures Ltd

Description of variation as given by the applicant
The purpose of this variation is to add the following conditions to Annex 2, following Condition 3:
When SIA registered door supervisors are on duty at the premises, at least 2 door supervisors must wear working body-worn video devices (body cams) that comply with the minimum requirements of the GMP Police Licensing Team.

A record must be kept of the SIA registration number of the door supervisor and the ID of bodycam worn by them.  

Bodycam images must be stored so that they are retrievable and accessible for replay and viewing, and kept in an environment that will not be detrimental to the quality or capacity for future viewing. They should be appropriately labelled to enable identification and retrieval and kept for a minimum of 28 days. No recording must be deleted within this period from when it is recorded. 

The premises licence holder must ensure at least one member of trained staff at the premises during operating hours able to provide viewable copies on request to police or authorised local authority officers as soon as is reasonably practicable in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 (or any replacement legislation). 

The second purpose of this application to alter Condition 9 contained in Annex 2 to the following:
Door staff shall search all customers upon entry (and re-entry) to the premises. Signage that searches will be carried out shall be placed at the entrance.
·      All other Conditions to the licence will remain the same.
·      No changes to licensed hours or activities are sought.
Steps to promote licensing objectives as given by the applicant:
·      Changes as outlined above
·      Existing conditions to remain on the licence
If you WISH  to comment on the application, you must do so in writing to no later than 10/07/2024 and outline your reasons for making the representation, including any supporting information.

Comments must be relevant to how you think the granting of the application would affect the promotion of the four licensing objectives below:

  • The prevention of crime and disorder
  • Public safety
  • The prevention of public nuisance
  • The protection of children from harm
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