ASB Case Review
The ASB case review has been designed to make sure that we work together to resolve your complaint of antisocial behaviour.
We discuss the problem, share information and act together to try and resolve the anti-social behaviour.
The ASB case review won't replace organisations' own complaints procedures, and you'd still have the opportunity to complain to the Ombudsman or Independent Police Complaints Commission if you are unhappy about the service you have received from an individual officer or service.
How to use the Case Review
The ASB case review allows victims and communities to request a review of how their reports of antisocial behaviour have been dealt with, if the threshold for review has been met.
The threshold is defined as 3 complaints of antisocial behaviour in the last six months. Each of these 3 complaints must have been made within one month of each of the incidents taking place. We may also consider:
- The persistency of the antisocial behaviour;
- The harm or potential harm caused by the antisocial behaviour; and/or
- The adequacy of the response.
The ASB case review can be requested by a person, including a third party on behalf of a victim, provided the victim consents to information being shared with the third party along with other relevant organisations or bodies.
Applicants will be offered the services of interpreters, translators, and signers if required. Applicants also have the right to involve an advocate to support them. If an applicant is under 18 on the date the application is made, the application must be made by a responsible adult on their behalf.
You can either:
- Fill in the ASB case review online form
- Write a letter to ASB case review, Manchester CSP, Town Hall, Manchester, M60 2LA
- Call the team on 0161 234 4612 or email them at
You will need to provide details of each time you've complained, who you've complained to (name, organisation and/or Incident Reference Number) and information about the antisocial behaviour.
What you can expect
Once you have registered an ASB case review, a member of the ASB Action Team (on behalf of the CSP) will write to you to acknowledge your request. You will be asked to confirm your consent for information to be shared within Manchester’s CSP and within any other related organisation.
Once your consent has been given, a meeting will take place between the appropriate agencies (which may include the Police, the Council, Registered Housing Provider and other partners, if they are involved) to discuss the antisocial behaviour, what actions have been considered and taken. The group will review how the Partnership has responded and may make recommendations on how the problem can be resolved.
A response will be sent to you by the Head of Neighbourhood Delivery on behalf of the CSP detailing:
- Whether or not the ASB threshold has been met;
- The outcome of the review; and
- Any recommendations made as an outcome of the review.
If you are unhappy with the Partnership response you can request a further review from the Chair of the CSP.
ASB case review statistics
The Community Safety Partnership 2021 ASB Case Review statistics:
- 20 applications received
- 5 applications did not meet the threshold
- 15 applications met the threshold
- 14 ASB Case Reviews carried out that resulted in recommendations being made.