Consultations and surveys Withington Public Realm project – Consultation on proposed designs

Copson Street

We want to:

  • Improve the visitor experience to Copson Street with more space for people to meet and socialise 
  • Slow down the vehicles using the street 
  • Create a vibrant street with space for businesses to trade and occasional community events or markets  
  • Soften the street and create shade with planting, and have more street furniture 
  • Reduce traffic and air pollution   

An artists impressions of how Copson Street could look with more outdoor seating, planting and less space for parkingAn artists impressions of how Copson Street could look with more outdoor seating, planting and less space for parking

The proposal is to substantially extend the paving width on the north side Copson Street. The pavement would be built out to introduce a chicane, to calm traffic, along with ramps.  Loading would be time limited between 6am and 11am, and there would be a disabled parking space on the south side.

More seating and plants would be installed, but in a way which doesn’t interfere with people walking between the shops. It is also hoped that public art, in the form of designs inspired by the Withington Walls project, would be incorporated. 

Download the proposed plan

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