Consultations and surveys Withington Public Realm project – Consultation on proposed designs

Rutherford Place

We want to:

  • Create a clear arrival point to Withington Village, and a more user-friendly area for people of all ages around the library 
  • Design a large, level safe and usable public square to encourage use by people and businesses 
  • Create a community hub where people of all ages will want to spend time 
  • Soften the area and create a barrier to Wilmslow Road using planted rain gardens 
  • Reduce clutter and make the space more usable and enjoyable 
  • Add seating, and create a multi-purpose space which local people will want to use and can be proud of 
  • Install rain gardens to create a colourful barrier between this area and Wilmslow Road, which will also help prevent flooding, and promote biodiversity 
  • Replace and relocate the Christmas tree to allow space around it, and free up a bigger open space in its current position 

An artists impressions of how Rutherford Place could look with more outdoor seating, planting and less space for parkingAn artists impressions of how Rutherford Place could look with more outdoor seating, planting and less space for parking

Rutherford Place is the working name of an extended pedestrianised square which we are proposing to create in front of the library. Prohibiting driving on Wellington Road, between Rippingham Road and Wilmslow Road, will improve safety and mean that there is an area which cyclists can comfortably use without needing to pass through the larger public realm space where pedestrians will be. The existing contraflow cycle lane would be removed. 

These proposals include a focal point for a community Christmas tree, and a reconfigured square with new trees, seats, rain gardens and community space for events or markets. The seating would double up to protect people in the square from vehicles.  

Westbound access would remain along Davenport Avenue but with no left-hand turn from Wilmslow Road. The carriageway would be raised to footway level, the footway would be widened, and double yellow lines added to prevent on street parking.  

Download the proposal plan.

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