Consultations and surveys Moston Lane consultation

This consultation is now closed

Read the consultation results.

We have developed a strategy that sets out our transformational vision for Moston Lane, highlighting investment and development opportunities.

This vision is captured in the draft Moston Lane Development Framework, which shows how this important centre can better meet the needs of its diverse community. It will build on the strengths of the area with several exciting projects and strategies, including:

  • A new public square
  • New homes and development opportunities
  • Enhanced Moston Lane Corridor
  • Supporting more sustainable movement
  • Improved pocket parks

To make sure that you and key community stakeholder groups have a say about our exciting proposals, we are holding a consultation from the 26 June to 23 July 2023. This includes two in-person sessions at Simpson Memorial Hall, 361 Moston Lane, Manchester M40 9NB on:

  • Thursday 13 July, 3pm to 6pm
  • Saturday 15 July, 12pm to 3pm

We welcome your views at the event or through the online questionnaire.

Share your views by Sunday 23 July.

This project is part-funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund

Logo Funded by UK Government, Greater Manchester, Levelling Up



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