Consultations and surveys Rochdale Canal PSPO Extension consultation

Notice of proposed extension

Public Spaces Protection Order proposed extension: Rochdale Canal undercroft, Piccadilly

The City of Manchester (Rochdale Canal Undercroft, Piccadilly) Public Spaces Protection Order 2017 (‘the Order’) was made by the Council on 5 April 2017 and took effect on 24 April 2017 for a period of three years, subject to extension. In April 2020, the Council authorised the extension of the Order for a period of three years. The Council is now considering extending the duration of the Order for a further three-year period, pursuant to section 60 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. The purpose of the Order is to prohibit the occurrence and recurrence of criminal and anti-social activities (‘the Activities’) in the Restricted Areas while the Order is in force (as set out in the Schedule below). A copy of this Notice, the Order and the Order Plan are available to be viewed on the Council’s website at and can be inspected in person at the Customer Service Centre Ground Floor, Town Hall Extension M60 2LA (for Sat. Nav. use M2 5DB) between the hours of 9am and 4.30pm from Monday to Friday inclusive. Dated: 6 March 2023

How to have your say

The Schedule

The Restricted Areas:

1. The Restricted Area marked A on the Order Plan includes the full width of the towpath and access ramps and is described from south west to north east as follows - from the entrance onto the Rochdale canal towpath at the back of the footway at the Minshull Street / Auburn Street junction; down the ramp and along the towpath; continuing along the towpath under the bridge providing access from Auburn Street into Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court and under the bridge crossed by Aytoun Street; continuing along the towpath into the Undercroft section of the towpath below the following roads and buildings – under 1-3 Piccadilly (Malmaison Hotel), under the A6 Piccadilly/ London Road, under 111 Piccadilly (formerly known as Rodwell Tower), under 111 Piccadilly car park and under Ducie Street Bridge – so as to fully encompass all of the towpath within the Undercroft including the landings around Lock 85, the store under Dale Street Bridge and the former London Road Wharf dock landings and; continuing to the spandrel façade of Dale Street Bridge.

2. The Restricted Area marked B on the Order Plan comprises the whole of the area of the canal landing on the northern side of Lock 85, located under 111 Piccadilly and is described from south west to north east as follows - from the point where the canal landing is adjacent to the supporting structure of the Piccadilly road bridge and continuing in a north easterly direction so as to encompass the full length and width of the landing, including the area on the western side of former wharf.

The Activities:

Robbery, theft, assault, threats to harm, criminal damage, abusive behaviour and anti-social behaviour - including drug taking and drug-related activity, sexual activity, defecation and urination.

The Restriction:

Subject to the exemptions specified below, the Order, if extended, will prohibit persons from being in the Restricted Areas at any time between the hours of 10pm and 7am the following morning on any day (‘the Restriction’). Barriers will be operated and maintained by the Council at the locations indicated ‘Location of Gates’ on the Order Plan, to enforce the Restriction during its hours of operation. Access between the hours of 7am and 10pm will be unaffected.


The Restriction will not apply to

  • boaters using the towpath in connection with the navigation of boats and barges on the Rochdale Canal
  • operatives of the Canal and River Trust
  • any landowners or occupiers of premises adjoining or adjacent to the Restricted Areas requiring access for security purposes or to carry out maintenance or repairs
  • any person engaged on Council business including security staff employed by the Council to manage the restriction of access provided by this Order
  • any police, ambulance or fire service personnel acting in pursuance of statutory powers or duties
  • any statutory undertaker, gas, electricity, water or communications provider requiring access to their apparatus situated in the Restricted Areas
  • any person authorised in writing by the Council.

Alternative Route:

The alternative route for pedestrians when the Restriction is in effect will be via the footways of Auburn Street, crossing Aytoun Street by the pedestrian crossing, continuing on Auburn Street, crossing the A6 Piccadilly/London Road by the pedestrian crossing, Ducie Street and Dale Street to the entrance to the towpath at Dale Street Bridge, and vice versa.

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