Consultations and surveys Manchester Science Park consultation


In September 2014, following engagement with key stakeholders, we approved a Strategic Regeneration Framework (SRF) for the expansion of Manchester Science Park (MSP). 

We updated the SRF in August 2018. This included a strategy to deliver workspace that meets the needs of businesses in the key science and technology sectors. It identified principles to:

  • help turn the site’s location into positive economic, social and environmental benefits
  • increase opportunities for more science-based activities that could contribute to the growth of Manchester and the wider city-region’s economy.

To date, there has been significant progress in achieving the ambitions of the MSP SRF. These include:

  • the Bright Building as the heart of the park
  • development of partnerships and initiatives 
  • supporting infrastructure 
  • a new multi-functional public space
  • acquisition and redevelopment of the Base Building.

Since 2012, MSP has grown from approximately 220,000 sq.ft. to more than 320,000 sq.ft. 

Average occupancy remains high and is currently 97%. Some buildings maintain a 95%-100% occupancy. MSP is also home to more than 120 innovative businesses.

There is now an opportunity for the redevelopment of the Greenheys Building and the adjacent car park on the MSP site. The Greenheys Building is on the eastern side of Greenheys Lane. The Base Building is to the south and the McDougal Centre to the north. A residential area is to the west, on the opposite side of Greenheys Lane. The site is ideal to support growth in high value sectors, such as health, science and innovation.

This addition to the SRF seeks to build on the progress achieved to date. The proposal delivers several wider strategic and economic benefits including:

  • supporting academic advances in the life sciences sector
  • supporting growth in the number of small-to-medium enterprises and start-ups in the city
  • building on Manchester’s research strengths 
  • raising Manchester’s international profile 
  • creating new talent and graduate employment opportunities.

It represents an opportunity for the city to build upon its network of alliances and partnerships throughout the world.

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