Consultations and surveys Anti-poverty strategy

Inclusive and effective delivery

These priorities are about how we will work together to tackle poverty and ensure that tailored support is available to the communities which are most affected by poverty, such as residents experiencing racial inequalities and disabled people.    

We will make sure that people with lived experience of poverty have a voice in anti-poverty work

People who are experts in poverty will be involved in this work throughout the lifetime of the strategy. This will include residents who have experienced poverty and organisations that have expertise in this area. 

We will sustain and increase funding for anti-poverty work in Manchester

We will work with private sector organisations to increase the funding opportunities which are available to voluntary and community sector organisations. 

We will sustain and increase non-financial resources for anti-poverty work in Manchester

We will work together with organisations and people across the city to tackle poverty. 

We will use data to help understand poverty in Manchester and design and target interventions accordingly. We will make sure that we consider inequalities and inequity in how poverty is experienced

We will share information with organisations that are tackling poverty in Manchester to make sure that support is tailored and targeted towards to the communities which are most impacted by poverty. 

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