Consultations and surveys Anti-poverty strategy

Mitigate the impact of poverty

The priorities in this theme are about making life easier for people who are experiencing poverty.

Make sure everyone has access to appropriate and good quality advice

We will increase financial and debt advice across Manchester. We will share information on the support options available to residents with the organisations that advise them. We will provide additional support to those residents who need it to use online advice services.  

Meet people’s basic needs of food, warmth and shelter

We will work with organisations that provide food aid across the city to ensure that residents can continue to access healthy and affordable food that meets their needs. We will continue to provide practical advice and support to residents in response to the ongoing rising costs of food and energy bills. 

Ensure access to culture and leisure opportunities to make sure people experiencing poverty have a good quality of life

We will continue to support free school holiday activities. We will also work with Manchester’s cultural and leisure organisations to provide activities that are affordable and open to everyone.  

Make sure that the support available is respectful of people’s needs and operates in a way that is best for them

We will implement a “breathing space” period so that residents with a Council fine or charge have the time to get professional advice. We will commit to moving towards a cash first approach for Council financial support services where appropriate.

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