This consultation closed on 16 December 2022
Manchester City Council is about to begin a consultation process which proposes a change to its admissions arrangements. The key proposal to the consultation is a change to the reapplication policy from three times per year to one.
Current Policy
Currently, where a place cannot be offered in a preferred school a child is placed on a school's waiting list for one term only. At the end of the term the child is removed from the waiting list and the parent then has to reapply to be added to the waiting list each term.
Proposed Change
The council is proposing to change the reapplication policy from three times per year to one. This means when an application is made, and a lower preference or alternative school place is offered, applicant details will remain on the waiting lists for the higher preference school for the whole or remainder of the academic year. All details of every application will then be removed yearly over the summer break rather than every term.
The benefits this change will provide are:
· Assurance that all school preferences are being considered for longer
· Applicants not having to reapply termly
· It is clearer for parents, and they will be more likely to accept a place at an alternative school in the meantime which will reduce the time children are missing education.
· Officer time used more effectively and reduction in process time in responding to parental queries on the receipt of termly applications
· An improved customer experience for families
The seven-week consultation period will commence on the 31 October 2022 and end on 16 December 2022.