Consultations and surveys Public Realm Strategy consultation

The draft strategy

The vision set out in the draft strategy is to support the creation of a sustainable urban neighbourhood of 1,500 homes through the delivery of a public realm which supports life and celebrates place. It seeks to create a connected network of streets and new spaces, enhancing and celebrating the area’s natural and built assets and extending a green character through the site.

This vision is supported by four key principles which underline the strategy:

  •  Establishing Ancoats Green as a green heart to the neighbourhood: creating a multi-functional space that fosters a sense of community.
  • Extend this green character to streets and spaces: Creating a coherent network of streets and public spaces, using green streets to encourage active travel and integrate green infrastructure
  • Rebalancing movement towards active travel: establishing a new people-focused street network, reducing the dominance of vehicles in the street, including measures to reduce rat running.
  • Enhance the industrial heritage of the area and the character of the Conservation Area: guiding design that captures, celebrates and compliments the industrial heritage of the area, with consideration for materials, surfaces, and street furniture.

Download the Draft Ancoats Public Realm Strategy

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