Consultations and surveys Charlestown - current licence applications

Any person may submit comments (known as a ‘representation’) during the consultation period of an application for the grant, variation, minor variation or review of a premises licence and club premises certificate. A representation may be an objection against the application or may be in support of it, but must relate to the likely effect of granting the application upon one or more of the four licensing objectives, which are:

  • The prevention of crime and disorder;
  • Public safety;
  • The prevention of public nuisance; and 
  • The protection of children from harm.

Where comments are not relevant to any of the licensing objectives, they cannot be taken into account. We also cannot accept representations that we consider are frivolous or vexatious. 'Frivolous' and 'vexatious' have their ordinary meanings; therefore, we might disregard representations that are made because of a business dispute between rivals or representations that lack seriousness. You cannot make a representation anonymously and a copy of your representation, including your details, will be provided to the applicant. If you have concerns over an application but do not wish your personal details to be disclosed, you could alternatively approach a local councillor or Responsible Authority who may be willing to submit a representation based on your concerns. However, it will be at their discretion to make a representation if they consider it justifiable and appropriate to do so.

All persons are encouraged to take into consideration all relevant sections of the Council’s Licensing Policy, in particular Sections 7 and 8, when deciding whether to make a representation. The grounds for any representation will be stronger if they have an evidential basis and linked to the premises. Further guidance on making a representation is contained at Appendix 2 of the Council’s Licensing Policy.

Make a representation

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