
  1. What's happening

    Linden Park to Milwain Road – pathway resurfacing

    The pathway from Linden Park to Milwain Road has been resurfaced to improve accessibility and safety.

    Lane End Road – bollard removal and guard rail installation

    To prevent traffic congestion and deter drivers from pulling up at the traffic lights, the following changes were made on Lane End Road:

    • Removed existing bollards
    • Installed same-height guard rails from the traffic lights to the start of the "Keep Clear" zone in front of the takeaway

    These improvements help manage traffic flow and improve safety around the area.

    Alma Park School – double yellow lines

    Double yellow lines are being installed at the following locations to improve road safety around Alma Park School:

    • From the edge of Alma Park School on Errwood Road
    • Across the bridge of the floop
    • To the corner of Carson Avenue and Linden Road

    This work will help improve safety during school pick-up and drop-off times.

    Errwood Road and Green End Road – community notice repair

    Repairs are being made to the community noticeboard on Errwood Road and Green End Road to keep local information accessible and visible.

    Other projects

    • We're resurfacing the passageway between 35 and 37 Burnside Drive.
    • We're replacing fencing on Bibby Lane.
    • We're improving the play area at Cringle Park, including swings. 
    • We've installed eight 'Bee' bollards on Avon Road and Firethorn Avenue.
    • We're installing 27 'Bee' bollards on Burnage Lane.
    • We've installed ten lamp post light sockets on Burnage Lane.
    • We're resurfacing the pathway and clearing vegetation at the side of 374 Slade Lane, finishing at the side of 13 Craighall Avenue.

  2. Updates

    We'll be adding more information about your ward in the coming weeks. Keep your eyes open for updates.

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