Ward Name
Parliamentary Constituency
Manchester Central
Polling District: 1CTA
- Polling Station: Guidance Hub, 389 Waterloo Road, Cheetham Hill, M8 9AB
- Notes: Proposing boundary change to 2CTA
Polling District: 1CTB
- Polling Station: The Manchester Oratory (St Chad's Church), M4 4EX
- Notes: Proposing new polling place at Park Inn; renaming to 2CTB
Polling District: 1CTC
- Polling Station: Ukrainian Cultural Centre, 31 Smedley Lane, Cheetham, M8 8XB
- Notes: Renaming to 2CTC
Polling District: 1CTD
- Polling Station: St Chad's RC Primary School, Balmfield Street, M8 0SP
- Notes: Renaming to 2CTD
Polling District: 1CTE
- Polling Station: Cheetham CE Community Academy, Halliwell Lane, M8 9FR
- Notes: See 2CTB; renaming to 2CTE
Polling District: 1CTF
- Polling Station: Unity Community Primary School, 41 Allesley Drive, M7 4YE
- Notes: Renaming to 2CTF