Multiply for Care Leavers

  1. Summary

    This privacy notice is for the delivery of the Multiply for Care Leavers Programme (‘Multiply Scheme’) by Manchester City Council. 

    This privacy notice explains what personal information is collected, what it is used for and who it is provided to. The notice also describes why we require your data, and the legal basis on which it does this. It provides information that specifically relates to this particular Scheme and should be read together with the Council’s general privacy notice

  2. What personal information does this service use?

    For Individuals (accessing skills or individual support programmes): Information will be collected by the Council’s Care Leaver Team and Career Connect, who work with the Council, to identify potential participants for the Scheme and help facilitate applications for suitable courses. The following types of personal information may be collected:

    • your name
    • your contact details such as telephone number and email address
    • residential address and household situation
    • employment status or type of employment/ whether you are in receipt of state benefits and national insurance number
    • whether English is your first language, your education history, courses completed or attended; details of any qualifications you hold, your unique learner number
    • your date of birth and sex and/or gender

    We may also use the following special category data:

    • Ethnicity
    • Health or disability

    In some instances, there may be a requirement to present evidence to confirm identity and check eligibility to receive the funding. Details from the documentation are recorded i.e., unique document reference numbers but full copies are not collected.

  3. What is your personal information used for?

    Multiply is a UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) funded national programme, commissioned and delivered locally, to support adults who do not have GCSE/Level 2 Maths or equivalent to gain skills in Maths/Numeracy.

    The Multiply Scheme aims to increase overall participation and achievement in Level 2 Maths, ultimately leading to wider skills, by supporting those who would not normally consider skills training within a college environment. Poor numeracy skills can hold people back from having the confidence to get on in life and into work.  A key aim of the Multiply Scheme is to offer tailored support to care experienced residents. The activity should boost residents' confidence with numbers, and provide an initial opportunity to access Maths/Numeracy skills provision.

  4. What is the lawful basis we are relying on?

    The lawful basis for collecting and using your personal data is:

    • Article 6(1)(e) UK GDPR: It is necessary to perform our public task.

     For special category personal data, our additional lawful basis is:

    • Article 9 2(g) UK GDPR processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest (such as to carry out our statutory or legal obligations (Schedule 1, part 2 of the Data Protection Act 2018)).

  5. Where has the personal information come from?

    The information is directly provided by you, the GMCA or our Delivery Partners (such as course providers or Career Connect).

  6. Who will we share your personal information with?

    To deliver the Multiply for Care Leaver Programme (the Multiply Scheme), the Council has partnered with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), and Delivery Partners, such as course providers and Career Connect. These Delivery Partners are responsible for collecting the information listed above and sharing it with the Council as part of the effective delivery of the Multiply Scheme.

    The Council and its Delivery Partners are required to share personal information of those participating in the Scheme with the GMCA. GMCA is the lead authority for the Multiply Scheme in Greater Manchester and is an independent (data) Controller for the personal information it holds. The GMCA has overall accountability for how the Fund is administered in Manchester and other areas in Greater Manchester.

    The GMCA is required to share personal information with the Department for Education. The collection and sharing of personal information is necessary to monitor the effectiveness of the programme and for the funding payments from the Department for Education to be allocated. Further to the purpose of funding, GMCA will use the data to monitor and evaluate the performance and assess the outcomes of the Multiply Scheme projects being delivered. Personal information of participants of the Multiply Scheme will be stored by GMCA on its Greater Manchester Individual Tracker (GMIT) system.

    Visit GMCA for information about how they use personal data.

  7. How long will we keep your information?

    We will keep your information for up to 6 years; this is so we can evaluate the success of the Multiply for Care Leavers Programme. We will take the necessary steps to keep your information safe. It will then be securely destroyed when it is no longer needed.

    Download the Council’s retention schedule.

  8. Your personal information and your rights

    You can find out more about your rights regarding the personal information used by the Council as part of the Multiply Scheme by visiting our Data protection, your personal information and your rights page.

    Your rights apply to the information held by the Council as a (data) Controller, and the information we may hold on behalf of any other Controllers.

  9. Contacting us about your data and updates

    If you have any questions or concerns about how we use your personal information, please contact our Data Protection Officer by emailing

    You also have the right to complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office if you are unhappy about how we process your information:

    Post: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF

    Helpline number: 0303 123 1113

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