Selective licensing - apply for a licence

  1. Summary

    Selecting licensing - we have the power to introduce 'selective licensing schemes' in designated areas of Manchester. In these designated areas landlords or managing agents need to have a licence for each house/flat that they rent out. These licences have a fee and each house/flat must comply with the conditions set by the licence.

    Some houses may be exempt from licensing. See which houses you don’t need a licence for.

    In situations where there is no prospect of the property being licensed, we can apply for an Interim Management Order (IMO) to take over the management of the property. If granted the IMO would last up to a year until suitable arrangements are put in to place. If this takes longer, we can apply for a Final Management Order (FMO), which if granted can last up to five years.

    If a licence is granted, a licence will be issued with a number of conditions which the licence holder must comply with, these include:

    A licence holder who fails to comply with any of the conditions may be committing a criminal offence and face prosecution. If convicted they could receive an unlimited fine.

    Read more about selective licensing

  2. Fees

    Fees and additional charges

    Payment will be required electronically once your application has been approved.

  3. Application and guidance notes

    Apply for a selective licence

  4. Processing and timescales

    Applications will be processed within six weeks.

    We can refuse to grant a licence if the person or manager applying is not a ‘fit and proper’ person or if they are not the most suitable person to be the licence holder or the management arrangements are not satisfactory.

  5. Legislation

    Read schedule 4 of the Housing Act 2004


  6. Validity and renewals

    Licences are valid for five years

  7. Register

    View the HMO Licensing Public Register (external website)

  8. Complaints

    Contact us in the first instance

  9. Contact us

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