Sports stands - safety certificate

  1. Summary

    If you operate a sports ground which is not designated as requiring a safety certificate, you will still require a safety certificate for any covered stand that holds 500 or more spectators.

    Safety certificate can be either:

    • a general safety certificate which covers the use of the stand for viewing an activity or a number of activities, specified in the certificate for an indefinite period which starts on a specified date; or
    • a special safety certificate which covers the use of the stand for viewing a certain specified activity or activities on a certain specified occasion or occasions;

    One certificate may cover more than one stand.

    Certificates are obtained from us and you must comply with any conditions attached to the certificate.


  2. Fees

    The fee for an application under the Safety at Sports Ground Legislation for a General Safety Certificate is dependant on the size and complexity of the project and are for the cost of the administration, preparation, printing and advertising of the new certificate.

    If you require any further information over the cost of the application, please contact the Chief Building Surveyor at the following email address 

  3. Application and guidance notes

    You may wish to print the guidance notes before completing the application online.

    Application and guidance notes

  4. Processing and timescales

    Within 10 working days of receipt of a completed application, an officer will contact you to discuss the next steps.

  5. Policy

    To be eligible for a general safety certificate, you must be the person responsible for the management of the ground. To be eligible for a special safety certificate, you must be the person responsible for the activity to be viewed from the stand on that occasion.  Read a summary of the regulation relating to this licence.


  6. Register

    Contact us in the first instance Any applicant who is refused a general safety certificate because they are not considered to be an eligible person can appeal to the Magistrates Court. An applicant who is refused a special safety certificate may also appeal to the court against a refusal based on grounds other than a decision that they are not an eligible person.

  7. Complaints

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