Change vehicle registration (personalised plate) - hackney carriage/private hire

  1. Summary

    If you change the registration number of your hackney carriage or private hire vehicle you should notify us. Your records will be updated and new ID plates issued.

  2. Fees

    £24, includes replacement paper licence.  You will need to pay for the plates at the taxi compliance test centre.

  3. Application and guidance notes

    Apply to change vehicle registration

    Hackney carriage and Private hire vehicles are exempt from MOT. If you need a certificate of exemption visit the government website to obtain a V112.

  4. Attachments required

    • Fully completed application form;
    • The log book V5C (vehicle registration document) - this must be the original document and in your name and current address, showing the new vehicle registration number; and
    • A valid insurance document or cover note showing the new vehicle registration number.

  5. Processing and timescales

    We aim to process your application within 10 working days

  6. Validity and renewals

    Until the original expiry date.

  7. Complaints

    Contact us at in the first instance

  8. Contact us

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Feedback submitted to us on this form is monitored but you won’t receive a reply. In an emergency, visit our emergency contact details page. Please don't include any personal or financial information, for example your National Insurance or credit card numbers.