Before you apply
You must apply at least 21 days before the first performance. We aim to process applications within 10 working days, but it could take up to 21 days.
Applications with less than 10 days notice will not be issued.
Incomplete or missing paperwork is the responsibility of the applicant or agent. If you are missing any of the required documents your application will take longer.
About BOPA
A BOPA can be granted to any type of organisation - professional or amateur. This can be for a single performance or for a series of performances within a specified time, providing no payment is made to the child or to anyone else in respect of the child taking part in the performance, and the child does not require absence from school.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that they inform other Local authorities that children from that authority will be involved in a performance and included in a BOPA.
For further information visit NNCEE.
No fee.
Application and guidance notes
Attachments required
- Total number of children (under 16) from each local authority who will be taking part in the performance(s);
- Supervision arrangements, name of all adults involved and relationship to children e.g. chaperone, teacher, parent/carer or responsible adult;
- Child protection policy; and
- Risk assessments e.g. transport arrangements, venue etc.
Processing and timescales
We aim to process applications within 10 working days.
Contact us