St Anne's RC Primary School (Crumpsall)

  1. School

    St Anne's RC Primary School (Crumpsall)

  2. Address

    Moss Bank, M8 5AB

  3. Telephone number

    0161 740 5995

  4. Fax number

    0161 795 0236

  5. Email

  6. Type


  7. Sub type

    Voluntary aided school, Roman Catholic, boys and girls

  8. Age range

    3-11 years

  9. School website

  10. Headteacher/Principal

    Laura Wordsworth

  11. School capacity


  12. Reception places available for September 2025


  13. Admission rules

    This school has its own admissions rules

  14. Apply for admission

    Apply for a place

  15. Associated Schools

    Our Lady's RC High School

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