Cedar Mount Academy

  1. School

    Cedar Mount Academy

  2. Address

    Gorton Education Village, 50 Wembley Road, M18 7DT

  3. Photo of Cedar Mount Academy building

  4. Telephone number

    0161 248 7009

  5. Fax number

    0161 231 1831

  6. Email


  7. Type


  8. Sub type

    Academy school, boys and girls

  9. Age range

    11-16 years

  10. School website


  11. Headteacher/Principal

    Mr Kal Hodgson

  12. School capacity


  13. Places available for Year 7 September 2025


  14. Open Day/Evening

    Tuesday 24 September, 6pm to 8pm

  15. Admission rules

    This school follows the Council's Admission rules.

  16. Apply for admission

    Apply for a place in this school

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