
  1. Name of organisation


  2. Summary

    Coffee4Craig is an organisation that aims to improve the situation for people who experience homelessness. They run a drop-in centre which uses the provision of food as a gateway to further support regarding transitions towards housing and independence. C4C also work in partnership with a number of homelessness organisations/services, local councils, and Greater Manchester Police.

  3. Proposed activities

    Will continue to work with the homelessness community, supporting their needs and creating a safe space so that they can regain control of their lives.

  4. Neighbourhoods they operate in

    The majority of work is with residents of the city centre and surrounding areas

  5. Postal address

    The Meanwhile,
    153 Great Ducie Street.
    M3 1FB

  6. Location

  7. Contact email

  8. Contact phone

    07973 955 003

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