It's quick and easy to switch to email billing. Just fill in the short form and we'll do the rest.
You need your email, phone number and business rates reference number. It's on any bill or letter.
Everyone named on the bill or responsible for paying business rates (the ratepayer) has to agree to get the bill by email. You’ll need:
- their permission
- one of them to agree to get the bill too
- that person's email addresses.
If you are a rating agent completing this form on behalf of a ratepayer(s), you must have previously submitted a letter of authority to receive bills on the ratepayer’s behalf.
About this form:
When you go through the form, you have about 20 minutes to complete each page. Don't use your normal 'Back' button to return to an earlier question, but use the 'Previous' button on the page you are on. Questions marked * can't be left blank.