The Council and democracy The Members of the Executive

The Executive Members in 2024/ 2025

The Executive is the main decision making body of the Council, responsible for implementing the budgetary and policy framework of the Council.  Each of the 10 members also has individual special responsibility for a particular area of the Council's services and policies.

If you have a question for them, you can get in touch using our Questions to The Members of the Executive online form.

Councillor Bev Craig

Leader of the Council
Councillor Bev Craig

Email the Leader:

Leads on:

  • Communications
  • External Relationships
  • GMCA
  • Governance and Devolution
  • Inclusive Economic Strategy and Development
  • International Strategy
  • Overall Leadership of the Council
  • Oversight on Major Regeneration Projects
  • Promotion of the City Locally, Nationally and Internationally
  • Strategic Policy Coordination

Statutory Deputy Leader 
Councillor Joanna Midgley

Email the Deputy Leader:

Leads on:

  • Advice Services
  • Domestic Violence and Abuse
  • Homelessness
  • Inclusion and Equalities
  • Reducing Poverty and Tackling Inequalities
  • Refugees and Asylum Seekers
  • Voluntary and Community Sector

Deputy Leader
Councillor Garry Bridges

Email the Deputy Leader:

Leads on:

  • Capital Projects such as Factory and Town Hall
  • Civil Contingencies and Emergency Planning
  • Corporate Property
  • Crime and Safety (policing, community safety partnership, tackling youth violence)
  • Cultural Strategy
  • Future Council Programme Oversight
  • Lord Mayors Office Liaison
  • Member Development

Executive Member for Early Years, Children and Young People
Councillor Julie Reid

Email the Executive Member:

Leads on:

  • 0-16 Education - A place in a good school for all our children
  • Corporate Parenting
  • Delivering Ofsted Improvements including Safeguarding, Fostering and Adoption and reducing the number of looked after children
  • Every Help and Bringing Services Together (BST)
  • Lead Member for Children's Services (LMCS)
  • Play
  • Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Inclusion
  • Youth Services, Engagement and Provision

Executive Member for Clean Air, Environment and Transport
Councillor Tracey Rawlins

Email the Executive Member:

Leads on:

  • Air Quality
  • Biodiversity
  • Climate Emergency and Tackling Climate Change
  • Food Sustainability
  • Transport Strategy and issues, Highways and Parking
  • Walking and Cycling
  • Zero Carbon

Executive Member for Finance and Resources
Councillor Rabnawaz Akbar

Email the Executive Member:

Leads on:

  • Digital Strategy
  • Finance (Budget, Capital programme, Revenue and Benefits)
  • Human Resources and Organisational Development
  • Internal IT
  • Legal
  • Procurement and Social Value

Executive Member for Healthy Manchester and Adult Social Care
Councillor Thomas Frederick Robinson

Email the Executive Member:

Leads on:

  • Adult Social Care (older people)
  • Early Intervention and Prevention
  • Health and Care Integration
  • Learning Disabilities and Mental Health
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • Public Health and Tackling Health Inequalities
  • The Local Care Organisation

Executive Member for Housing and Development
Councillor Gavin White

Email the Executive Member:

Leads on:

  • Housing Management
  • Planning
  • Private Rented Sector and Enforcement
  • Regeneration Projects and Investment in District Centres
  • Residential Growth
  • Strategic Housing

Executive Member for Skills, Employment and Leisure
Councillor John Hacking

Email the Executive Member:

Leads on:

  • Digital Exclusion
  • Events
  • Leisure and Manchester Active
  • Libraries and Literacy
  • Post 16 Skills Strategy
  • Sports and Sport Development
  • Worklessness and Good Employment

Portrait photograph of Councillor Lee-Ann Igbon

Executive Member for Vibrant Neighbourhoods
Councillor Lee-Ann Igbon

Email the Executive Member:

Leads on:

  • Bereavement Services
  • Bringing Services Together and Place Based Reform
  • Cleaner Streets (waste, recycling, street cleansing)
  • Licensing and Enforcement (licensing, litter, etc.)
  • Markets and Other Traded Services
  • Neighbourhood Plans
  • Parks and Allotments
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